Radiology Waiting Times
Please find below the updated wait times for scans with the hospital. Please only contact the surgery to chase results if your waiting has exceeded the times advised below.
Modality | Urgent | Routine | Report time |
CT | 4 Weeks | 6+ Weeks | 3-8 weeks |
MRI | 3-4 weeks s | 7+ Weeks | 5-8 Weeks |
US (Non MSK) | 4-5 weeks | 5-6 weeks | N/A |
US (MSK) | 6-8 weeks | 8-10 weeks | N/A |
XR | 1 Week | 3-2 Weeks | 4+ Weeks |
Published on 25th Jun 2024
Telephone Waiting Times
We apologise for the increased difficulty of getting through on our telephone lines. We are answering an unprecedented amount of calls at the moment.
Our Reception team are answering an average of 800 calls per day, which is on average a new call every 3 minutes per Receptionist.
Please be patient, we are working as hard as we can to get through as many calls as possible.
Published on 25th Jun 2024
Did you know you that you can Order Repeat Prescriptions, Book Appointments & View your Records through the NHS App?
Click the video below to view how to order your repeat prescriptions through the NHS App
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Healthy Living for people with type 2 diabetes
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Active Sky Blues
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Diazepam & Benzodiazepines miss-sold Bromazolam
The alert concerns Diazepam and benzodiazepines mis-sold as Bromazolam. It produces strong sedative or sleep-inducing effects. There is a substantial risk of overdose as a result. Other effects can include:
- Feeling confused
- Feeling highly agitated
- Drowsiness and reduced consciousness
- Loss of coordination
- Memory loss and blackouts
Samples of blue pills bought in Warwickshire recently have been tested and confirmed as Bromazolam. It can also be found in counterfeit medicines – illegally produced but designed to look real. We have also been told of people intentionally buying Bromazolam from the internet, which has caused overdose incidents.
Advice for staying safe and helping others is attached. Please cascade as appropriate.
Kind regards
Warwickshire Local Drug Information System
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Specialist Wound Care Service now open for patients across North Warwickshire
Primary Care Warwickshire Federation, in partnership with Nuneaton & Bedworth Primary Care Network and Coloplast UK has launched a specialist wound care support service for patients across North Warwickshire, in a unique collaboration. Primary Care Warwickshire Federation consists of 25 GP practices within three Primary Care Networks (PCNs): Rural, North Arden and Nuneaton and Bedworth, all of whom will be able to refer patients into the specialist Wound Care ‘Hub’ based in Nuneaton and Bedworth PCN.
The Wound Care Hub will run clinics twice a week from two ‘hubs’ at Manor Court Surgery and Stockingford Medical Centre in Nuneaton. This service supports the existing tissue viability services in the wider Warwickshire area, providing a seamless and aligned experience for patients. Patients whose wounds have not shown signs of healing progression after two weeks, or who are already seeing their Practice Nurse for wound care treatment more than twice a week, can be referred into the service by their GP or nurse, where they will be seen by a specialist Tissue Viability Nurse.
This is an example of partnership working between the NHS and the private sector, which will deliver improved patient outcomes, while also freeing-up appointments and saving NHS resources. Laina Tebbutt, Project Manager, Nuneaton & Bedworth Primary Care Network and Primary Care Warwickshire Federation said: “The people of North Warwickshire will benefit significantly from this new specialist Wound Care Hub. We are delighted to have a service that can refer patients living with wounds to specialist Coloplast wound care nurses in our community.”
If you are living in the area and dealing with wounds, please speak to your GP practice to see if you meet the criteria for referral to the Wound Care Hub.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Pain Management Service – Rehab Direct
What is persistent pain?
Chronic or persistent pain refers to pain that lasts for more than 3 months, despite medication or treatment. Unlike acute pain, which serves as a warning sign of injury or illness, chronic pain persists after the initial cause has healed. Sometimes, pain can manifest without any history of an injury or operation.
Chronic/persistent pain can significantly impact your life, both physically and emotionally. It can:
- Limit your ability to perform daily activities
- Interfere with sleep
- Lead to fatigue
- Affect mood and mental health wellbeing
- Strain relationships
What is the Pain Management Service?
The remote service provides easy, direct access to experienced professionals who are specifically trained in pain management.
This service is appropriate for patients over the age of 16 presenting with pain that has persisted for 6 months or more.
The programme aims to:
- Support you with specialist Pain Practitioners and personal Health & Wellbeing Coaches
- Help you understand how chronic pain develops and persists
- Show you ways to manage your pain
- Support your independence
- Improve your quality of life
- Help find the best medicines for your pain
Patients are offered a 16-week programme where they can explore a range of modules and tools to help manage their own pain. This service is not suitable for patients awaiting investigation or treatment for their pain, or patients experiencing complex mental health issues.
How do I access this service?
Woodlands Surgery, Rugby Road Surgery, The Old Cole House, Bulkinton Surgery, Bedworth Health Centre, Manor Court Surgery, The Grange Medical Practice, Chapel end Surgery, Arbury Medical Practice, Stockingford Medical Centre, Camphill Health Centre, Red Roofs Surgery, Riversley Road Surgery, Queen’s Road Surgery, Old Mill Surgery and Chaucers Surgery have access to the Pain Management Service. Please speak to your practice or GP for more information.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
National Doctors Day 30.03.2023
Today, in honour of National Doctors Day, ours Doctors were presented with this lovely cake by our Patient Group members. Thank you to everyone who got involved with their fantastic feedback. If anyone would like to get involved with our Patient Group please contact us for more information or go to our website.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
NHS Number Finder
If you need to access your NHS number please visit:
Published on 14th Jun 2024
My Planned Care
For helpful advice and guidance if you are waiting for a hospital consultation, treatment or surgery please visit:
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Prescription Changes October 2022
As a Practice we have made a decision, based on safety concerns, to reduce the amount of codeine and morphine based medications per prescription. There will be a maximum of 100 tablets issued per prescription which may mean requesting a supply and then requesting another after a minimum of 13 days depending on usage. We recognise that this may be inconvenient to some but we feel it is necessary to provide a safe prescribing process.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Monkeypox June 2022
The case numbers for Monkeypox are rising in the UK and we are aiming to provide information for patients. Please visit the website below for more information on this:
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Admiral Nurses
Admiral Nurses provide support to families affected by dementia across Coventry, Rugby and North Warwickshire.
Patients and carers can access the Admiral Nurse team, Monday to Friday 9-5 by:
Telephone: 0300 303 3131
For more information, please visit: Admiral Nurse Service – Coventry and Rugby GP Alliance (
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Self-Refer for Weight Management
You can now self-refer for Weight Management Services. Please click on the poster where it says ‘click here to self refer’ and it will take you to the relevant website where it will provide more information on the options available.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Stay Well This Winter
We’re here to help you stay well this winter
Some important information from the NHS to help you stay well this winter.
Help us Help You – Your health matters
We’re here to help you stay well this winter.
Winter conditions can be bad for our health, especially for people aged 65 or older, and people with long-term conditions such as heart or kidney disease, COPD (including emphysema and chronic bronchitis), asthma or diabetes.
Being cold can raise the risk of increased blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes.
The cold and damp weather, ice, snow and high winds can all aggravate any existing health problems and make us more vulnerable to respiratory winter illnesses. But there are lots of things you can do to stay well this winter.

Warning advice:NHS Volunteer Responders
NHS Volunteer Responders offer help to people who are self-isolating because they have COVID-19, or because they are avoiding public places because of this virus. If you don’t have other support you can get help for a four-week period to collect your shopping and prescriptions or to top up your energy meter (please note that you will need to pay for the shopping and energy credit). You can also arrange for a volunteer to ring up for a friendly chat. If you need help call 0808 196 3646.
Also available by textphone or Relay UK on 18001 0808 196 3646.
Six things we recommend you do:
- Make sure you get your flu vaccination.
- Come forward for your COVID-19 booster when offered.
- Keep your home at 18°C (65°F) or higher if you can.
- Take advantage of financial schemes and discounts to help you pay for heating.
- Contact NHS 111 online or by phone if you are worried about any symptoms.
- Look out for other people who may need a bit of extra help over the winter.
Where to go for the right medical help
Dial 999 for life-threatening emergencies
You can text the emergency services on 999 but you need to register your phone in advance. To find out more go to
Contact NHS 111
If you need medical help fast or think you need to go to an Emergency Department (A&E) use NHS 111 first – online at or by phone – to get clinical advice or direction to the most appropriate services for treatment.
This service is also available by textphone or Relay UK on 18001 111 and NHS 111 BSL interpreter service via
GP, Pharmacy and
For all other health needs, contact your pharmacy or GP practice. You can also access NHS advice and information at
A reminder of NHS 111 and 119 services
If you have symptoms of coronavirus, get tested as soon as possible; apply via, or call 119. The service is also available by textphone or Relay UK on
18001 119 and NHS 119 BSL interpreter service
If you are worried about your symptoms, use the NHS 111 coronavirus service at or contact 111 if you cannot get help online.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Covid-19 Advice
Advice in your region
England | Scotland | Wales | Northern Ireland | Ireland
Get the latest NHS information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19)
Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus
Find out about the main symptoms of coronavirus and what to do if you or your child has them.
Self-isolation and treating symptoms
Advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.
Get a test to check if you have coronavirus, understand your test result and find out what to do if you’re contacted by NHS Test and Trace.
Advice for people at higher risk from coronavirus, including older people, people with health conditions and pregnant women.
Long-term effects (long COVID)
Find out about the long-term effects coronavirus can sometimes have and what help is available.
Social distancing and changes to everyday life
Advice about avoiding close contact with other people (social distancing), looking after your wellbeing and using the NHS and other services.
Find out about health research studies and how you may be able to take part.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Welcome to The Grange Medical Centre website
We aim to provide high-quality medical care in a friendly and caring manner, by working in partnership with our patients.
This website aims to give you information about the practice, services we provide, how we can help you, and how you can best help us to provide a high-quality service to all our patients.
When we are closed:
Once a month we have a protected training afternoon whereby the surgery is closed for the afternoon from 12.30pm. The dates for these are:
If you need to see a GP on one of these afternoons please contact 0300 130 3040 between the hours of 12.30 and 18.30.
After this please contact the NHS111 service.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Christmas Message
We would like to wish all our patients and staff a wonderful Christmas, however that may be looking for you all this year!
What a year it has been and we couldn’t have got through it without our fabulous staff members who have dealt with and adapted to all the NHS England recommendations put in place at a moment’s notice, and which changed sometimes day by day. Many days the Reception team have had up to a 1000 telephone calls in a single day which have all been professionally and compassionately dealt with. The Administration team behind the scenes have been working on their normal administration work, plus tirelessly managing the new data coming through regarding COVID-19 and the extended Flu program. All of the above has been seamlessly co-ordinated by the Management team. We are so grateful for all their hard work this year.
We also wanted to thank you, the patients, as you too have needed to adapt to the strategies we implemented to keep you safe. We thank you for all the positive, kind and compassionate messages we have had through, they mean a lot to us. For those who felt we have not got a process right or who have read the media and feel that we are not being visible, we have tried to take your suggestions on board where possible within the safety constraints and guidance we have been issued. Genuinely we only want what is best and safe for you, whist protecting our staff, some of whom have their own or family health concerns.
We all have had fears and concerns about the situation we are in, but we hope that 2021 will be the year the vaccine starts to turn this around and we find ourselves in a more optimistic position this time next year.
The Partners
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Please click the link below on how to use Accurx if you have a text request to send a picture or receive information from the GP.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Warwickshire North Blood Test Clinics
Patients can book an appointment online at Friends, Family and Carers are able to book for others by adding them to their own online account, to help those who are in their care.
For people without internet access, the appointment line is 0247 615 3546 (Mon-Fri 9am-3pm).
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Coronavirus – covid-19
Following the latest guidance, If you are calling with symptoms of a cough cold sore throat or high temperature regardless of travel history or contact with a suspected case of covid-19.
If you are well stay at home.
If you are unwell use the 111 website for information or, if you don’t have internet access, then call them.
Do not attend a GP surgery or hospital
We have been advised to move to a full telephone triage system for access to face to face GP appointments.
The reception team will take your details and a GP will call you back for a telephone assessment, you may then be asked to attend as appropriate.
Nurse or HCA appointments will only be made for essential treatment and the nurse may call you before you arrive.
If you have any flu or cold symptoms please cancel the appointment.
Anyone arriving at the surgery will be assessed for symptoms before being allowed into the building.
Do not attend the surgery speculatively for an appointment, you will be asked to telephone in.
If you do not currently receive your prescription electronically to your pharmacy we will be asking you to nominate one to remove the need to enter the building.
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Doorway Collection
We have a Doorway collection in reception.
This is for those who have been homeless and no longer have any belongings.
There is a list below of items doorway need for their starter packs.
These packs can help make a house a home for a homeless young person.
- Dishes and cutlery ( Can be second hand if in good condition)
- Pot’s and pans ( Can be second hand if in good condition)
- Cleaning Items
- Bed Linen and towels ( Must be new or in like new condition)
- Clothing ( Any clothing suitable for young people age 16-25)
- Long Lasting Food
Published on 14th Jun 2024
Measles outbreak in Nuneaton
There has been a confirmed Measles case within Nuneaton.
Please see attached information about Measles.
Published on 14th Jun 2024